Here are a few sound training guidelines that apply to not just martial arts but any sport, hobby or activity you wish to become skilled in ...
1st - Train at least 3-4 times a week to develop a new skillset or promote growth. This includes in-class and at-home training. Training 1-2 times a week is insufficient to grow; you can only maintain what you have at that frequency.
2nd - If you are training, be 100% there! Put your phone and any of life's distractions aside and immerse yourself in training. Discipline yourself!
3rd - Catch yourself doing things right at least 50% of the time. This will help you to 'study' success and build your self-image. Avoid over-focusing on mistakes and reinforcing negative self-images.
4rd - Set goals and a plan to help you achieve your desired outcomes, hopes and results. Talking to your teacher and coach can help you with this if you are unsure.